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Good news of winning the bid - Shouguang Jinhui Thermal Power


The heat control instrument procurement project of heat exchange station of Shouguang Jinhui Heat Source Plant (project number SZC2014067-2) is a government bidding project. Our company received the notice of government procurement bidding on July 18. After more than 20 days of preparation, the bid was opened in the conference room on the fifth floor of Shouguang government bidding hall on August 14, 2014. Our company won the bid successfully with Absolute advantage and became the first bid winner!

The automatic control system of Shouguang Jinhui heat exchange station has 52 stations and 66 sets of unit control systems, with a total bid winning amount of 9.52 million yuan. It is the first major engineering project of the company. The company will organize major forces to go all out to complete the project on time and quality, becoming a model project for government projects.

Here, we express our heartfelt gratitude to the employees who have worked hard to win the bid for this project. We hope that in the new year of 2014, everyone will continue to strive for greater results.