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The flow totalizer that meets the latest national standards has arrived - Weifang Aobo FC6000 intelligent flow computer



With the increasingly strict measurement requirements in the market and the introduction of the national "JJG1003-2016 Verification Regulations for Flow Accumulators", our company has successfully launched a high-precision, fully functional, and stable intelligent flow computer AOBO-FC6000 that meets national standards, with a measurement accuracy of 0.2 level, which can meet the needs of more customers.

AOBO-FC6000 intelligent flow computer is an intelligent general-purpose flow computer that performs flow metering and calculation functions for steam, gas, and liquid with faster calculation speed, lower power consumption, and more reliable working performance. It compensates for the temperature and pressure of the fluid in real-time and receives signals such as flow, temperature, and pressure, as well as signals of frequency, current, differential pressure, resistance, and other types. The instrument data can be stored for more than 10 years and supports various communication modes such as RS232 or 485 MODBUS. It can also be networked with various networks or industrial buses to achieve remote meter reading.
