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Rectification suggestions for the on-site use of steam IC card prepayment intelligent control system


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After our company's after-sales personnel conducted inspections and services on some customers' steam IC card prepaid intelligent control systems, it was found that some instruments had the following problems on site:

1. There are issues with poor ventilation, high ambient temperature, and humidity in the equipment room where instruments are installed.

2. The majority of equipment room pipelines and steam distribution drums are exposed without insulation treatment.

3. The distance between the instrument box and the steam drum is too close, or the instrument box is directly installed above the steam drum, causing the instrument box to be baked by the steam drum.

Due to the fact that instruments and batteries are electronic products, there are certain requirements for the operating environment. High temperature and humid environments can affect the service life of instruments and batteries (batteries can operate at an ambient temperature of -35~45 ℃, and the service life will decrease by 30% for every 10 ℃ increase in ambient temperature). With the arrival of summer, the situation will become increasingly serious due to the increase in temperature and frequent rainfall. To ensure the service life of metering, instruments, and batteries, it is recommended to make the following improvements:

1. Add ventilation devices in the equipment room: Send the air outside the equipment room to the vicinity of the instrument box through induced air ducts, and appropriately reduce the temperature and humidity around the instrument box.

2. Insulating the exposed parts of the steam drum and pipeline can reduce thermal radiation.

3. Keep the instrument box away from the steam drum and pipelines.

With 19 years of experience in the heating industry, we provide you with meticulous services!